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Terms of Use

Brief Description of the Terms

All services provided by Cloudwalk shall be subject to the following terms of use. Cloudwalk reserves the right to update these terms of use at any time without prior notice. Click on the hyperlink of “Terms of Use” at the bottom of the website to learn about the latest terms of use.

General Rules about Services Offered by Cloudwalk

Without the prior written consent of Cloudwalk, you may not copy, duplicate, republish, download, post, spread, distribute or use this website as well as all the content on this website, unless Cloudwalk grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited permission that allows you to access and display the webpages of this website only on your computer for your personal and non-commercial use.
If you fail to abide by the terms, conditions and statements on this website, any rights granted to you will be automatically terminated without prior notice, and you must immediately destroy all the copies of materials downloaded from the website. Except for the limited permission stated in the previous paragraph, Cloudwalk will not grant you any explicit or implicit right or permission to any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights or intellectual property right. You shall not mirror any content on this website on another website or on any other media.
You agree that you will not develop, support or use software, scripts, programs or any other method or process (including crawlers, browser plug-ins and add-ons or any other technology) to collect website data or copy other information such as user information on this website.

Specific Exception Clause

Cloudwalk provides no direct, indirect, legal or agreed guarantee for your use of this website, any content and services related to this website, or other websites and content linked to this website.
Cloudwalk assumes no responsibility as follows and expressly declares to be exempted from the following responsibilities: to update this website to keep the information up-to-date or to ensure the accuracy or completeness of any posted information. Before making any decisions about any services, products or other matters described on this website, you are supposed to confirm the accuracy and completeness of all posted information.

Links to This Website

All links to this website shall be approved in writing by Cloudwalk, unless Cloudwalk agrees that the links as well as the webpages activated by the links do not: (a) create frames based on any page on this website or use other techniques that alter the visual effect or appearance of any content on this website in any way; (b) distort or incorrectly describe your relationship with Cloudwalk; (c) imply that Cloudwalk approves or accepts you, your website, your services or products; and (d) provide any false or misleading impression of Cloudwalk or otherwise damage the business reputation associated with the name or trademark of Cloudwalk. To gain permission to link to this website, you must also agree that Cloudwalk can terminate the permission to link to this website at any time. Under such circumstances, you agree to immediately remove all links to this website and stop using any trademark of Cloudwalk.

Links to This Website

All links to this website shall be approved in writing by Cloudwalk, unless Cloudwalk agrees that the links as well as the webpages activated by the links do not: (a) create frames based on any page on this website or use other techniques that alter the visual effect or appearance of any content on this website in any way; (b) distort or incorrectly describe your relationship with Cloudwalk; (c) imply that Cloudwalk approves or accepts you, your website, your services or products; and (d) provide any false or misleading impression of Cloudwalk or otherwise damage the business reputation associated with the name or trademark of Cloudwalk. To gain permission to link to this website, you must also agree that Cloudwalk can terminate the permission to link to this website at any time. Under such circumstances, you agree to immediately remove all links to this website and stop using any trademark of Cloudwalk.

Non-guarantee Statement

You have to take all the risks caused by using this website. All materials, information, products, software, applications and services are provided “as they are” without guarantee or warranty in any form. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Cloudwalk explicitly waives all explicit, implicit, statutory and other warranties, guarantees, statements or promises, including but not limited to guarantee about merchantability, guarantee suitable for a particular purpose and guarantee about non-infringement of ownership and intellectual property rights. Without any restrictions, Cloudwalk does not guarantee that this website will be uninterrupted, timely updated, secure or error-free.

Privacy Statement—Brief Description of the Terms

Cloudwalk attaches great importance to the protection of your personal privacy. The privacy statement is our commitment to protect your privacy on this website. Sometimes we might need specific information to provide you with the services you requested, and this privacy statement explains the data collection and usage under such circumstances.

Your Information

We might collect the following information
Data about the person to contact: Name, email address, phones number, company name, company type, nationality, position etc.;
Login data: User name, password etc.;
Transaction data: Accessing data and data necessary for operation etc;
Registration information: Relevant information provided by you at the time of registration.

Confidentiality and Security of Information

the following situations and applies appropriate security technologies to strictly manage and protect your information to prevent your information from getting lost, abused or tampered with:
unauthorized access; improper use or disclosure; unauthorized modification; unlawful destruction or accidental loss.
Though we have these security measures, yet it should be noted that there are no “perfect security measures” on the Internet.

Usage of Cookie

Cookies are a tool for collecting data with regard to your visits to specific websites. We apply cookies to store data related to your visits to our website. When you visit or re-visit our website, we can identify you and improve the website by analyzing the data, so as to provide you with better services.
You have the right to accept or reject cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by changing the settings of your browser, but we need to remind you that since you refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to use some of the features of our website that depend on cookies.

Disclosure and Use of Information

Our website will not share your information with third parties without your prior consent. We may access, transfer, disclose and save your information under the following circumstances:
(1) Comply with laws and regulations or relevant legal procedures, including law enforcement agencies or other government agencies
(2) In accordance with relevant terms of use of this website
(3) Operate and maintain the security of the website
(4) Protect the rights and interests of users of this website
You agree that we can disclose or use your personal information to improve our website and make our website more in line with your requirements, so that you can get a better experience of using our website.

Storage and Exchange of Information

The collected information and materials of the users will be saved on the server of the website.


This website shall not bear any legal liability for:
(1) Any personal information leakage and other adverse consequences caused by your disclosure of your password (you shall be responsible for protecting your user name and password);
(2) Any temporary website shutdown caused by hacker attacks, computer viruses or government control;
(3) Any situation caused by force majeure.

Update of Privacy Statement

This privacy statement applies to all services available on this website. With the expansion of the service scope of this website, the contents in the privacy statement may be updated at any time without prior notice. Once the updated privacy statement is posted on the website, it will effectively replace the original one. You can follow this privacy statement on a regular basis. Please contact us if you have any comments or suggestions on this privacy statement.


Please fill in the form below and our sales representative will contact you as soon as possible.

  • Name
  • E-mail *
  • Tel *
  • City *
  • Company name *
  • Industry *
  • Position *
  • Product/Solution *
  • Budget *
  • Please describe your demands *

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Our sales representative will contact you
as soon as possible.


Please fill in the form below and our sales representative will contact you as soon as possible.

  • Name
  • E-mail *
  • Tel *
  • City *
  • Company name *
  • Industry *
  • Position *
  • Product/Solution *
    AI Definition Device
    Scenario Definition Devices
    Special Products For Airports
    Face Scan Payment Terminal
    In Vivo Modules
    Intelligent Finance
    Intelligent Governance
    Intelligent Transport
    Intelligent Commerce
  • Budget *
  • Please describe your demands *

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Our sales representative will contact you
as soon as possible.

National Hotline:


Business Hours: 9:30-18:00 (Beijing time) from Monday to Friday

Business Cooperation: business@sdshepc.com
Media Cooperation: Media@sdshepc.com
Channel Cooperation: business_partner@sdshepc.com

Copyright 2020 Guangdong Public Network Security No. 44011502000477

Guangdong ICP No. 59739435 CloudWalk Technology Co., Ltd.

Cloudwalk Logo / Terms of Use / Legal Statement


